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How do I put Elvie Stride on my breast and align my nipple correctly?

Getting good nipple alignment is really important. It’s a key part of ensuring comfortable and efficient pumping.

Good alignment is a very personal thing. This is because we’re all unique and no two nipples point in the same direction.

Before you practice alignment, it’s important to check you’re using the right Breast Shield size

It can be helpful to practice aligning your nipple in the Breast Shield. Before you do this, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. You should avoid touching the inside of the Cup Front and Breast Shield.

1. Start by removing the Breast Shield from the Cup Front

2. Put one of your hands under one of your breasts and lean forwards

3. Put the Breast Shield on with your nipple pointing directly down the Nipple Tunnel

4. Check that your nipple is not touching the sides of the Nipple Tunnel

5. Take a little time to practice on both sides

When you’re comfortable with this, you can try aligning the whole Cup. To do this:

1. Put one of your hands under one of your breasts and lean forwards

2. Bring a Cup to your breast paying attention to the direction of your nipple

3. Use the markings on the Breast Shield to help align your nipple while you’re putting the Cup on

4. When the Cup is on, you can check your alignment through the Pour Hole. To do this, remove the Stopper

5. Replace the Stopper before you start to express

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