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Being a globally operating company, Elvie is committed to doing business in compliance with applicable laws, in an ethical, transparent and sustainable way and according to our core values.

Elvie’s Code of Conduct globally contributes to meeting the highest ethical and legal standards in development, production, sales, product support and providing services. In accordance with the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Elvie integrates sustainability and corporate responsibility into business.

Elvie strives to conduct business with individuals and organizations that do business in the same manner. To support our suppliers in meeting these expectations – and to ensure transparency and declare our efforts in identifying, assessing and managing the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 – 

Elvie will implement a global Third-Party Compliance Policy beginning of 2020. As part of the evaluation process, our suppliers shall complete a compliance self-assessment questionnaire, and are required to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets up standards of business conduct and business practices which Elvie expect our suppliers to comply with:

  • Our suppliers shall adhere to applicable employment law and environmental protection, health and safety legislation and provides general guidelines for our day-to-day supply chain business.
  • Elvie supports and respect the internationally recognized Human Rights as stated in the United Nations Global Compact. Our Suppliers are expected to also uphold these rights and to treat their employees accordingly. We do not accept any violations of these rights and will intervene in the case of adverse events.
  • Our Suppliers shall respect their employees' and subcontractors' fundamental rights at work.
  • We do not accept forced labor or exploitation. Our Suppliers may not use forced, bounded or indentured labor or pay unreasonable remuneration. Working hours of their employees and subcontractors shall not exceed limitations set in applicable laws and be reasonable.
  • Workers should be free to leave the company upon reasonable notice, at least as provided by applicable law. They shall not be obliged to surrender identification documents, passports or work permits as a condition of employment or subcontracting.
  • Minors under the minimum employment age of 15 (14 in countries with less developed educational systems) years according to Sec. 2.4 of the International Labour Organisation Convention Nr.138 may not be hired.

Elvie takes its responsibilities seriously. Therefore, we will monitor and audit compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct. This can include, but is not limited to, assessment of potential suppliers during our selection process, on-site-visits and the execution of potential audit and inspection rights. We will strictly pursue any violations of our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Tania Boler