New fit and feel - who’s this? Your go-to breast pump just levelled up.

Using Elvie Stride 2

How to use Elvie Stride 2 to express

Before you start, please make sure you have cleaned and disinfected your Elvie Stride 2.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching Elvie Stride 2, its components, or your breasts. You should avoid touching the inside of the cup front and breast shield. 

To follow these guided instructions, you will need to be wearing your Elvie Stride 2 (see ‘How to put Elvie Stride 2 on’ for instructions).

To express using Elvie Stride 2:

1. Start by making sure your pump is charged. You can check this by pressing and holding the ‘Mode’ button before you turn your pump on.

2. Double check the cup’s alignment on your breast. Pay attention to how the cup sits in your bra: the Stopper needs to face upwards toward the ceiling, and the Valve needs to point downwards towards the floor. 

3. Press the ‘Power’ button to turn your pump on.

4. The intensity lights will begin to flash. These show you the intensity setting stimulation mode your Elvie Stride 2 will start on.

5. Press the ‘Play / Pause’ button to start expressing.

6. Your pump starts in Stimulation mode, then switches to Expression mode after two minutes. You can change modes in the app or on the hub using the ‘Mode’ button.

7. You can use the + and - buttons to tailor the intensity of both modes. The intensity lights on the hub will show your chosen setting.

How to finish a pumping session

When you’re ready to finish your session with Elvie Stride 2, you should do the following:

1. Lean forwards for two seconds and press the ‘Play / Pause’ button on the hub to stop pumping. Leaning forwards helps milk drain from the nipple tunnel into the cup.

2. Turn your pump off by pressing and holding the ‘Power’ button.

3. Unclip your bra and use your finger to gently break the seal between the cup and your breast.

4. Remove the cup from your bra.

5. Hold the cup upright and remove the cap from the cup front. 

7. Unplug the stopper from the cup front. 

8. Pour your milk into a sealed container through the side of the pour hole.

9. Clean and disinfect the relevant parts (see ‘How to clean Elvie Stride 2 after use’ for cleaning instructions).

How to take Elvie Stride 2 apart

You’ll need to take your pump apart regularly to clean and disinfect it. 

It’s important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching Elvie Stride 2, its components, or your breasts. You should avoid touching the inside of the cup front and breast shield. 

When taking your pump apart, start by removing the cap.

Along with the hub and the tubes, the cap should be placed on a dry surface and kept away from water.

To take the cup apart:

1. Pull the cup front away from the breast shield and remove your nipple insert if using one. 

2. Pull the valve and diaphragm and stopper out of the cup front.

Once you have disassembled your cup, you may want to clean and disinfect these parts:

How to change the intensity settings on Elvie Stride 2

Elvie Stride 2 has two modes, Stimulation mode and Expression mode. Within each mode, there are 10 different intensity settings. These change how much suction there is on your nipples. 

The settings help you to personalize your pump so it feels comfortable and works efficiently in both modes. Your pump will start in Stimulation mode and switch to Expression mode after two minutes. 

You can adjust the intensity setting in each mode by using the + and - buttons on the hub while you’re expressing. The intensity lights on the hub light up to show which setting you’re using. 

Please keep in mind that a high intensity setting does not always mean a higher volume of milk. Putting your nipple under lots of stress or pumping if you’re in pain can reduce your milk production. 

You can save your preferred intensity settings for both Stimulation and Expression mode by using the ‘Personalize’ feature in the Pump with Elvie app.

When you have chosen and successfully saved your intensity settings in the app, start a session using the app. This will save your chosen intensity settings and they will be ready for you next time.

The app is free to download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

How to know which mode Elvie Stride 2 is in

Elvie Stride 2 has two modes; Stimulation and Expression.

Elvie Stride 2 will always start in Stimulation mode, which uses a faster pumping rhythm to stimulate milk let-down. In this mode, the pump is massaging your nipple to let your breast know that it’s time to produce milk.

Your pump will automatically switch to Expression mode after two minutes. Expression mode is a slower pumping rhythm. In this mode, your pump is helping your breast to release milk efficiently.

When your pump is in Expression mode, the light under the ‘Mode’ button will be on.

If you ever want to switch to Expression mode sooner, you can do this by either:

  • Pressing the ‘Mode’ button on the hub.

  • Using the pump control screen in the Pump with Elvie app.

How to pump on one side with Elvie Stride 2

To pump on one side, remove the unused short tube from the tube splitter. Seal the opening in the tube splitter with the tube splitter stopper.

This will ensure consistent suction on the one cup in use.

How to clean Elvie Stride 2 after use

Keeping your pump clean is a simple but important part of its upkeep. Cleaning washable components that come into contact with milk as soon as possible after pumping prevents the buildup of dry milk residue. Residue can cause the growth of bacteria that may be harmful to you and your baby.

Once you have disassembled Elvie Stride 2, put the following parts to one side. These are non-washable and should be kept dry. They can be wiped clean with a 70% alcohol wipe, but not submerged in water. They must not be microwaved.

You’ll need to clean the following parts after each use:

You can clean these parts by:

  • Washing in warm water using mild dish soap.

  • Rinsing with cold, clear water for 10 to 15 seconds.

Do not place the parts directly in the kitchen sink for rinsing and washing. Use a dedicated wash basin or alternatively they can be put on the top shelf of the dishwasher.

When using your pump, you should follow this routine:

  • Clean after every use.

  • Disinfect once daily.

You can disinfect the relevant parts by either:

  • Using cold water disinfection methods

  • Putting them in boiling water for five minutes.

Do not use microwave or steam disinfection methods.

Before you assemble your pump, please make sure all the components are dry. Do not store wet or damp parts, as mold may develop.

For additional cleaning guidelines, please see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

How to store Elvie Stride 2 between sessions

For short-term storage of Elvie Stride 2 between sessions, you should:

  • Recharge your pump immediately after finishing your session if the battery light is on.

  • Make sure all the components and washable parts are clean and dry.

  • Ensure your pump is stored out of direct sunlight.

For long-term storage of Elvie Stride 2, you should:

  • Make sure all the washable parts are cleaned and then dried.

  • Ensure your pump is stored out of direct sunlight.

If you have stored your pump at minimum (-20°C or -4°F) or maximum (+60°C or +140°F) storage temperature, you will need to wait for 24 hours before using it. This will allow it to reach normal operating temperature.

Make sure your pump is kept out of reach of children. It contains small parts, tubes, and a cable that may present a hazard.

How to store breast milk after a session

Please do not store milk in the Elvie Stride 2 cups. After a pumping session, pour your milk into a breastmilk storage bag or a clean, food-grade, sealed container made of glass or plastic. Leave an inch of space at the top of the container.

Before storage, label your container with the date your milk was expressed and your child’s name if you’re delivering your milk to childcare. Gently swirl the container to stop the cream content from separating, but do not shake it. Place your milk in the back of the fridge or freezer immediately after pumping if you can, or in an insulated cooler bag with icepacks for up to 24 hours if travelling. Freshly expressed or pumped milk is okay to use without being refrigerated for up to 4 hours. It should be frozen right away if you don’t plan to use it within 4 days. Freeze your milk in small amounts of 2-4 ounces to avoid wasting it. 

For further information, check the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US or the National Health Service in the UK.

What to do if you fill a cup with milk during a session

Each cup has a handy fill line. It’s a good idea to use this to check how full a cup is during a session.

If you notice that the cup is full, you should pause your session and decant. If you continue to express when a cup is full, your pump could start to leak.

To decant your milk during a session:

  1. Pause your session by leaning forwards for two seconds and pressing the ‘Play / Pause’ button.

  2. Unclip your bra if you need to and break the seal between the cup and your breast using a fingertip.

  3. Take the cup out of your bra and remove the cap, taking care to avoid getting any milk on the cap.

  4. When a cup is full, it must be held upright. 

  5. Hold the cup upright and then unplug the stopper. 

  6. Pour the milk out through the side of the pour hole into a sealed container.

  7. Check that the diaphragm and cap are both completely dry.

  8. Push the cap back into the cup.

To resume your session:

  1. Lean forwards and position the cup back on your breast.

  2. Check the alignment by looking through the pour hole.

  3. Close the pour hole using the stopper.

  4. Use your bra to secure the pump firmly against your breast.

  5. When you’re ready, press the ‘Play / Pause’ button to resume.

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