The milk volume estimation in the app is incorrect
If the milk volume estimation is incorrect, please check that Elvie Pump has the most up to date firmware. To do so, make sure your Pump(s) are fully charged, connect them to your phone and navigate to:Menu > Account > Your Pumps > Pump Info.
If you see a red dot and the word 'upgrade', tap it to upgrade your Pump(s). If you don't see the option to upgrade then your Pump(s) already have the most up to date firmware.
Our milk detection system tends to be more accurate with black fabrics. If you own a black bra, it might be useful to wear this whilst pumping. When you finish pumping the app will show you an estimate of how much milk is in the Bottle. If you need to correct this estimate, you can amend the information when you are saving your session or from the history screen. The Bottle also has volume markings to help you check how much milk is in the Bottle. You can amend the information at the end of your session, when saving your session or at any time from the history screen.
The sensor also works better if the milk is settled in the Bottle (a little like if you shook milk in a measuring jug it would take a while to settle before you could read the volume markings correctly). This does not at all mean that you need to stay completely still, but try to avoid movement that causes milk to move around in the Bottle too much as it may cause inaccurate reporting by the sensor. We're currently working on making this function more accurate so if you're still having an issue, please keep an eye out for new app releases.