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Almost half of women report symptoms of a weak pelvic floor such as weeing involuntarily when they cough, laugh or sneeze.

Despite how common this issue is, 57% of women never tell anyone about it...

40% of women reveal they’d feel embarrassed to discuss it with their doctor, and two-thirds admit they wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing it with their closest friends or family.

As of today, 72%, the vast majority, will never seek treatment!

Want to know more about pelvic floor and Kegel exercises? See here.

So what can we do about it?

We want to tackle the silence! We want to help people have conversations around pelvic floor health and seek treatment that could help them!

Join us to spread the word that you’re not alone and that many pelvic floor issues are treatable - share your story on social media using #freefrompee. 

@elvie / @elvieofficial


Follow the revolution #freefrompee


Getting my body back. one step at a time! Have you guys heard of pelvic floor health? Sure, there’s prescription meds out there but you know how I feel about non-natural ways of focusing on “symptoms”. I’ve been using @hello.elvie, their Elvie Trainer! As many of you know I’ve been so open about...


? PELVIC FLOOR TRAINING ? So as a Pilates instructor you would assume i have a pretty strong core right? Yeah, me too. So imagine my disappointment when my pregnancy 3 years ago left me with a 4-finger diastasis, a severe umbilical hernia, and an emergency c-section scar. 2 years after giving...


Did you know one of the major roles of the pelvic floor is to stabilise the core and lower back? I did not ??‍♀️! For a whole year may I add. I'd heard about your pelvic floor muscles weakening after giving birth but I had never heard of the association with bad back - and boy did I suffer ? I...
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Start training your
pelvic floor today!

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