
Every woman has the right to decide how and where they feed their children without feeling guilty or embarrassed about their parenting choices.

#FreeTheFeed is an invitation to stand with all those women that have felt shamed or confined when breastfeeding or pumping.

We want to empower women to feel safe and comfortable breastfeeding or pumping in public and encourage the British public to support them breastfeeding in public.

Each boob is different to represent the diversity of women’s bodies, from skin tone and size to stretch marks and nipple hairs.

Share your support on social with #freethefeed.

@elvie / @elvieofficial


Follow the revolution


It’s not until you are a parent that you really fully appreciate your own. Being a mum has changed me in so many ways (good and bad) and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for this wee man.


Today @Elvie are running a campaign to break the stigma around breastfeeding and pumping in public. I have always been one to champion breastfeeding and for my girls and I it has always been the best option. I have never felt shame, embarrassment or judgement for feeding in public and nor should


As you know, I feed Baby P everywhere. We are 1 year into breastfeeding and going strong but you might be surprised to know that I wasn’t always so comfortable with seeing breastfeeding in public. It took time and education for me to not feel awkward talking to a friend while she was nursing her


I’m joining in with @elvie new campaign #freethefeed to help raise awareness of breastfeeding in public. Let’s face it, I’m always banging on about breastfeeding so I didn’t need much of an excuse to whip em out but some people really do struggle with feeding in public...maybe down to lack of


For today's #TuesdaysTip I want to empower women to feel comfortable being them and doing what they need to do without fear of judgment.


Breastfeeding : This is my contribution to @elvie #freethefeed. To raise awareness of a woman’s right to breastfeed in public, and empower women to feel safe and comfortable breastfeeding or pumping anytime, anywhere.


Here's my #FreeTheFeed photo for the @elvie campaign to normalise breast feeding


Anyone else LOVING @elvie’s #freethefeed campaign to normalise breastfeeding? ?? I’ve actually been very lucky and avoided any negative reactions but I know that it happens, so I’m joining in and showing my support for the breastfeeding mamas! I think that women feeling they can feed baby in public

Follow @hello.elvie ⟶