How do I know which Breast Shield size to use with Elvie Stride?
The Breast Shield creates a seal between your nipple and your pump. This means that fit is really important.
Every pump comes with a 24 mm Breast Shield attached to each Cup.
Depending on which version you have, you may also have 21 mm Breast Shields included in the box.
If needed, 21 mm and 28 mm Breast Shields are available to purchase.
Before you get started, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. You should avoid touching the inside of the Cup Front and Breast Shield.
To check your Breast Shield size:
1. Remove the Breast Shield from the Cup Front

2. Remove the Valve and Diaphragm

3. Put the Breast Shield on with the sizing symbol pointing upwards and place your nipple in the centre of the fit lines
4. Check whether the fit lines line up with the outside of your nipple

5. Because no two nipples are the same, be sure to try the Breast Shield on your other nipple

If the 24 mm Shield does not work for you, we have 21 mm and 28 mm Breast Shields that will fit you better. These are available to purchase.
If you need help, please get in touch with our Customer Care Team.