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Thank you for your generosity

To all who donated - thank you! Your generosity throughout this campaign has helped so many families and vulnerable babies this winter. 

With your donations, and Elvie's contribution, we've raised $22,384 for the Human Milk Banking Association of North America throughout December 2020. If 2020 taught us anything, it's what really matters in life – the little acts that we can do to support one another.

Which is why, in December 2020, Elvie promised to match monetary donations made to the HMBANA, for a truly life-saving service that provides safe, screened, donated human milk to those in need – especially to premature and fragile infants, who are particularly vulnerable and at risk.

But, let's face it, 2020 was a hell of a year and we could all use a little extra support. So, we went one step further than matching donations - and Elvie gave an extra $20,000 to HMBANA.⁠

The little things we can do to make a difference? They aren’t so little after all.

Saving lives, one drop at a time 

Founded in 1985, the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) believes in a world where all infants have access to safe donor human milk and breastfeeding support, regardless of a family’s ability to pay. HMBANA mobilizes the healing power of donor milk by accrediting non-profit milk banks in the US and Canada, then setting international guidelines for donor human milk.

HMBANA helps mothers donate their extra breast milk for use by fragile infants as medicine, after it’s pooled, pasteurized, and tested – all while acting as advocates for donor milk as a universal standard of care. 

The real life stories

Recipient story: A life saved

"Emerson received donor milk his first 5 weeks of life after being born premature at just 29 weeks. After multiple supplements and endless pumping, my body just wouldn't produce. I am forever grateful to those that donate human milk and to the Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas where Emerson received his milk. He is a healthy 3-year old today." - Carla, recipient

Recipient story: A life saved

Donor story: Love in every drop

“Donating means sharing thousands of pieces of me to perfect strangers I will never meet, for their best start... Donating has provided me with the ability to make a difference in the fragile lives of premature newborns, and educate myself about all things breastmilk.” - Saralynn, donor

Donor story: Love in every drop

Raising money – and awareness 

As well as matching monetary donations, we're raising awareness about the power of donor milk and the incredible work of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA), including debunking certain myths and stigmas attached to milk banking.