Chiaro Technology Limited, the company behind Elvie®, is committed to protecting its innovations through its effort in securing patent protection in the United States and other territories internationally.
Virtual Patent Marking
In accordance with Section 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code regarding patent law, Chiaro Technology Limited gives notice that its products are covered by the U.S. patents and their foreign counterparts below, listed out by product name. Additional U.S. and non-U.S. patent applications may be pending.
This list is not exhaustive, and other components not listed here may be protected by one or more patents in the United States and elsewhere. Components of the products listed below may be sold individually or as part of a combination product. Other components not listed herein may have patent markings placed on the particular product or packaging to provide adequate notice of its patent protection.
Elvie Trainer
US11406279B2; EP3212081B1; AU2015340372B2 (with other U.S. patents pending)
Registered Designs
USD798594S1; USD773662S1
Elvie Pump
US10926011B2; US10881766B2; US11357893B2; US11376352B2; US11260151B2; US11806451B2; US11730867B2; US11357894B2; US11324866B2; US11813381B2; US11311654B2; US11413380B2; US11801335B2; US11813388B2; EP3638334B1; EP4066870B1; AU2018283715B2; CN213964594; CN216798371; HK40080540B; JP7335234; SG11201912135S; DE202018006778; DE202018006776; DE202018006774; DE202018006777; DE202018006806 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
CN305142970; EU005292703-(0001-0002; 0010-0014; 0022-0025); UK9005292703(0001-0002; 0010-0014; 0022-0025); USD1043960S; USD1043960S; US29/955,208
Elvie Stride
US11806454B2 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
AE8444; AE8442; AU202117238; AU202117239; AU202117240; AU202117241; CA208023; CA225224; CH146436; CN7599427; EU008768923-(0001-0004); EU009173933(0001-0002); JP1713410; JP1713411; JP1715354; JP1723903; KR30-1186712; KR30-1186730; KR30-1186732; KR30-1186739; SA10267; SA10270; SA10271; SA10272; SG30202110145S/V/W/Y; UK6138437-6138448; UK6172021-6172023; UK6230900; UK6230901; USD1035858S; US29/802,734; US29/816,163; US29/853,239
Elvie Stride 2
US11806454B2 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
AE8442; AU202117240; EU008768923-(0001-0004); EU009173933-(0001-0002); JP1715354; KR30-1186732; SA10267; UK6379735; UK6379736; UK6379737; UK6379738; US29/957390
Elvie Rise
US18/446,233; US18/446,181, US18/437,983 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
Elvie Curve
CN217525914; (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
US29/810,037; EU008073399-0001/11; UK90080733990001-11
Elvie Catch
CN218220710; EP4061445; (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
US29/810,046; EU008074405-0001/10; UK90080744050001-10
Elvie Nipple Cushions
Registered Designs
US29/911,537, CN308533649S; EU015032836 (0001-0002); UK6266093; UK6266094
Elvie Pump Bottles
Protected as a part of US10926011B2; US10881766B2; US11357893B2; US11376352B2; US11260151B2; US11806451B2; US11730867B2; US11357894B2; US11324866B2; US11813381B2; US11311654B2; US11413380B2; US11801335B2; US11813388B2; EP3638334B1; EP4066870B1; CN213964594; CN216798371; HK40080540B; JP7335234; SG11201912135S; DE202018006778; DE202018006776; DE202018006774; DE202018006777; DE202018006806 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
CN305142970; EU005292703-(0003; 0015; 0026); UK9005292703(0003; 0015; 0026); USD1031993S
Elvie Pump Breast Shields
Protected as a part of US10926011B2; US10881766B2; US11357893B2; US11376352B2; US11260151B2; US11806451B2; US11730867B2; US11357894B2; US11324866B2; US11813381B2; US11311654B2; US11413380B2; US11801335B2; US11813388B2; EP3638334B1; EP4066870B1; CN213964594; CN216798371; HK40080540B; JP7335234; SG11201912135S; DE202018006778; DE202018006776; DE202018006774; DE202018006777; DE202018006806 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
CN305142970; EU005292703-(0005; 0017; 0028); UK9005292703(0005; 0017; 0028); USD987066S
Elvie Pump Bra Adjusters
Protected as a part of US10926011B2; US10881766B2; US11357893B2; US11376352B2; US11260151B2; US11806451B2; US11730867B2; US11357894B2; US11324866B2; US11813381B2; US11311654B2; US11413380B2; US11801335B2; US11813388B2; EP3638334B1; EP4066870B1; CN213964594; CN216798371; HK40080540B; JP7335234; SG11201912135S; DE202018006778; DE202018006776; DE202018006774; DE202018006777; DE202018006806 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
CN305142970; EU005292703-(0009; 0021; 0032); UK9005292703(0009; 0021; 0032); US29/836,874
Elvie Pump Seals
Protected as a part of US10926011B2; US10881766B2; US11357893B2; US11376352B2; US11260151B2; US11806451B2; US11730867B2; US11357894B2; US11324866B2; US11813381B2; US11311654B2; US11413380B2; US11801335B2; US11813388B2; EP3638334B1; EP4066870B1; CN213964594; CN216798371; HK40080540B; JP7335234; SG11201912135S; DE202018006778; DE202018006776; DE202018006774; DE202018006777; DE202018006806 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
USD954933S1; CN305142970; EU005292703-(0006; 0018; 0029); UK9005292703(0006; 0018; 0029)
Elvie Pump Spout and Valve Kit
Protected as a part of US10926011B2; US10881766B2; US11357893B2; US11376352B2; US11260151B2; US11806451B2; US11730867B2; US11357894B2; US11324866B2; US11813381B2; US11311654B2; US11413380B2; US11801335B2; US11813388B2; EP3638334B1; EP4066870B1; CN213964594; CN216798371; HK40080540B; JP7335234; SG11201912135S; DE202018006778; DE202018006776; DE202018006774; DE202018006777; DE202018006806 (with other U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
CN305142970; EU005292703-(0007-0008; 0019-0020; 0030-0031); UK9005292703(0007-0008; 0019-0020; 0030-0031); US29/955,201; US29/955,205
Elvie Stride Cups
Protected as a part of US11806454B2 (U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
US29/802,734; AE8444; AU202117239; JP1713411; KR30-1186730; SA10271
Elvie Stride Breast Shields
Protected as a part of US11806454B2 (U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
US 29/853,239; EU009173933-0001; UK6230900
Elvie Stride Diaphragms
Protected as a part of US11806454B2 (U.S. and International patents pending)
Registered Designs
USD1035858S, EU009173933-0002; UK6230901, UK6379738
Elvie Stride Valves
Protected as a part of US11806454B2 (U.S. and International patents pending)
Elvie Stride Connect Kit (Double)
Protected as a part of US11806454B2 (U.S. and International patents pending)
Elvie Stride Connect Kit (Single)
Protected as a part of US11806454B2 (U.S. and International patents pending)
Elvie Stride Waist Clip
Protected as a part of US11806454B2 (U.S. and International patents pending)
Last updated: 1st January 2025